Leo and Luke: DemonHunters (HELP NEEDED)

Discussion in 'Dead Projects' started by Art Thief, Jun 30, 2017.

  1. Art Thief

    Art Thief ArtThief (I don't know how to change my nAME)

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Discord: https://discord.gg/hJSdn
    Hello I'm InvaderCalculator or Art Thief if you didn't know, I'm going to be making a game called Leo and Luke: DemonHunters
    like the title of this thread, Leo and Luke: DemonHunters is a 2D platformer that revolves around getting powers from bosses akin to Megaman and such. The plot of the game is as follows, Leo and Luke are 10th Graders that hear a rumor about a haunted church, Leo and Luke being gullible teenagers check it out, Once they get to the church they notice ooze everywhere all over the ceilings and walls and such, The ooze starts to gather to the center of the church forming an ooze like monster but this monster doesn't stay for long as it explodes due to it being incomplete the church implodes and the ooze spreads all over Wyncane which is the town that Leo and Luke reside. Leo and Luke happen to get infected with the ooze thus giving them Pyro and Electrokinesis which gives them control over everything Fire and Electric which means they can create things such as Explosions, Storms, Lava, etc. Once the ooze spreads over town people all over are getting infected thus making their minds corrupt and turning on their fellow neighbors. It's up to Leo and Luke to stop them and absorb their powers to un-corrupt them.

    That was the plot for Leo and Luke: DemonHunters if you see any holes in the plot please tell me about them so I can patch them up.

    I need help making this game if you have experience in any of these categories would you mind helping me?
    Coding in GML or GameMaker Language

    #1 Art Thief, Jun 30, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    keynan#1namekian likes this.
  2. keynan#1namekian

    Aug 1, 2016
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    can't wait for the game
  3. Flicker Fall

    Flicker Fall Flicker-Fall here

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Ok, first off, you have one major plot hole, two smaller problems, and something that needs to be asked.

    The plot hole is the fact that leo and luke are the only ones to be un-corrupted in a town with a good number of people. whatever your reason is for them not being corrupted(though I really want to ask about that as well), it's then likely that they would run into at least a few other people that also aren't corrupted due to said reason. You should try to work this into the game/story in some way, because it opens up the opportunity for a cast of side characters that could help flesh out your world, and helps to maker your reason for your non corrupted heroes sound more plausible.

    the first smaller problem I see is that your characters can create things such as explosions, storms, lava, and a few other Very Damaging Powers. Sure it makes sense for a team of two teenagers to want to use these powers in epic ways, but what's gonna happen to the town? It in and of itself is probably not made to handle these kind of forces, and would likely be destroyed by the two would be heroes though the over use of their powers. As it stands, you might want to rethink how soon they gain these awesome abilities, how long and how many times they can use them, and if the town itself has been already destroyed, or modified to withstand these kind of beatings, etc. However you spin that, you should really think about it, otherwise you'll have a harder time thinking up powers that could equally oppose your heroes current powers without destroying the town. It's a problem of relative power scaling in a plot themed story, which can be seen in the anime dragon ball (whatever it is now). the characters there are so over powered that coming up with plot points and other obstacles just results in yet another absurd power level jump by the end of that plot arch. In short, if your not careful, you might find yourself stuck between two overpowered heroes, and a sadly under powered final boss.

    the second smaller problem is the fact that everyone else is getting infected as well. that is plausible, but that then leads me to ask, why should the heroes save the town? If you don't have a proper reason beyond, " we must save them", your story is gonna fall a little flat. give them some motivations for doing so, that way your story becomes a bit more believable. After that I'm wondering, how do leo and luke go about absorbing the corrupted towns peoples powers? in fact, I'm wondering if you have your plot ex machina ooze's origins, functions, and creation figured out, as that will play a good bit into how the game functions and how the story develops.

    if you have all that figured out but don't want to give away spoilers, then you don't have to explain all of it, just a few short sentences on each will probably work.

    But the above done with, I have to ask, how much are you willing to work on this project? Making a Game is hard and tedious, and if you aren't willing to learn to do some of the basic things you need to do to make it in each area, then your going to run into a lot of problems, with the major one being time and cost. Its going to take a lot of time to make this, and unless you have some really good friends, the people that could help you on this might ask for some some kind of payment because they could be doing other things with their time. You really need to think a lot of this through and be prepared for a lot of hard work, otherwise you might not see it succeed in the way you want it to.
    Art Thief likes this.
  4. Art Thief

    Art Thief ArtThief (I don't know how to change my nAME)

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Thanks for that! and for the holes.
    1. Their are other un-corrupted people in town
    2. Those things that I mentioned like explosions and stuff are only used for unlocking things that you couldn't unlocked before you can't actually use them kind of like clearing obstacles
    3.Leo and Luke are saving the town because their loved ones are involved especially Leo's dad *wink* *wink*
    4. I have the ooze monster's origins all figured out
    5.This idea I've had was a thing I wanted to do since 4th Grade. I've had this idea stuck in my head forever slowly changing it over time heck! The name used to be called Leo and Lightning which were a couple of 20 somethings living together in an apartment and fighting crime.
    Flicker Fall likes this.
  5. Flicker Fall

    Flicker Fall Flicker-Fall here

    Oct 28, 2016
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    Then it looks like you've got a good idea going there!
    Heck, the fact that it's changed somewhat from its original idea proves that.
    I'll be interested in seeing you make this a reality.
  6. Art Thief

    Art Thief ArtThief (I don't know how to change my nAME)

    Sep 4, 2015
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