Comments on Profile Post by TakashiTrapper

  1. LeoV
    around a year ago or so. been a real while since i've last talked to him specifically. i do stay in touch with other people from there though
    Oct 14, 2015
  2. TakashiTrapper
    Ah is the spritas still their we use to b mad lit before i got kicked out n had to wait a year to get another laptop
    Oct 14, 2015
  3. LeoV
    forum is still up, or at least was 3 days ago. it's pretty much dead though, these days. most of the higher-ups moved on, so the newbies don't really have a reason to stick around
    Oct 14, 2015
  4. LeoV
    the whole deal with alvin-earthworm restarting smbz could probably gather some people again, but i have no idea if people would still want to commit to forums these days.
    Oct 14, 2015