Comments on Profile Post by Pika12342

  1. Taki
    Make bubbles when sketching. Bubble for the forhead, for eye sockets, for cheecks, for the whole head and a bubble for the chin, easiesst way to position everything logically and then draw the details inside the bubbles. It helped me getting more various facial structures than that traditional cross and guidelines that normal artists use.
    Jun 15, 2016
  2. Distance
    When drawing facial features be sure to have correct alignment depending on the direction the character is facing. Eyes and pupils, unless otherwise configured should be consistent with the same direction/focus point.
    Jun 15, 2016
  3. Distance
    In general, a good practice is to have the bridge of the nose be the center of the eyes. Remember to outline eyelids (beit dark or shaded). Eye brows should either look natural with strands of hair or clearly drawn (manga style) with an arch. Mouths tend to be based upon the character's eyes/mood, if drawing realistically shading is very important.
    Jun 15, 2016
  4. Distance
    If manga style, some female lips are dominantly apparent while young female and male mouths tend to be curved or uncurved lines. When shading, try to remember light source and color or shading continuity.
    Jun 15, 2016
  5. Distance
    If using color when shading experiment with different dark and light shades of the same color and be sure that dark places should at least be 3 shades darker than the original color and shines should be a shade of white.

    Dunno if I helped. I just kinda felt like trying.
    Jun 15, 2016
  6. Pika12342
    It all helps man. Thanks
    Jun 16, 2016
  7. Kenny