Comments on Profile Post by Kira

  1. Lynus
    what up
    Dec 26, 2014
  2. Kira
    The more I think, the more I realize how unfair this world is. In this world, there is the talented people and the normals. Being a normal you have practice and practice to even get bit of a talented person. Sure, there are people that practice and practice and eventually madeit to the pro, but can they compare themselves to talented? No matter how much you try or complain, the talented are on a whole ten level above you. By the time you reach that ten levels, the talented is once again above...
    Dec 26, 2014
  3. Lynus
    MRW im a guitar player
    just keep at it, there will be people better than you, but there will also be people who are lesser than you, but its completely up to you how you portray youself and how you make a name for yourself. speaking from experience from a forum i log onto everyday :) hang in there buddy !
    Dec 26, 2014
  4. LeoV
    don't about talent (or lack thereof). it's a great plus but it's nothing without actual knowledge. i know several people that had talent but went nowhere because they simply refused to study anything as they thought of that as useless.
    that and you really shouldn't be comparing yourself to others, at least not that broadly. people don't have the same goals with their work.
    Dec 26, 2014
  5. M3TA4PH0R
    Complaining about it isn't going to help. If you practice without a purpose then what's the point? I'm a swimmer and I know from experience. The grind to the top is the worst thing anyone has to go through, but there's actually one thing that seperates the talented from the hardworking. The hardworkers always have room for improvement. If someone is just talented and doesn't put in any work they'll just receive the same results. Just keep your head up and aim for the sky.
    Dec 26, 2014
  6. Ainn
    If you think about it, so is birth! :D
    Dec 26, 2014