Comments on Profile Post by Stittz

  1. PsychoJolteon2
    -puts on tweenglasses-
    Dec 4, 2013
  2. CloudyDaze
    Tweening and easing works when you're only panning the camera to move from one side of the screen to the other. And doing it from 100 and -100 values is retarded. If you do ease, use it subtly like 64 or -23. Otherwise, randomize the camerashake nigga.
    Dec 4, 2013
  3. Taki
    i hate randomized camerashakes. Just shake it in the direction the impact is happening, like when there is a punch to the right, you shake it a little to the right
    Dec 5, 2013
  4. Taki
    i hate randomized camerashakes. Just shake it in the direction the impact is happening, like when there is a punch to the right, you shake it a little to the right
    Dec 5, 2013