Comments on Profile Post by Efezey

  1. Collin
    You're not talking about the kind of "suck"ing I'm thinking of, are you?
    Jun 8, 2015
  2. Efezey
    Efezey me
    Jun 8, 2015
  3. ArtZombie
    i can agree with that it can be a real pain -.-
    Jun 8, 2015
  4. tonyart101
    1. You suck at dating; a) you don't show pure love for that person b) you're too boring

    2. The one you're dating is not perfect; a) she wants more respect then the amount you giving her, she wants more then you can offer b) she doesn't like you, she's using you to show off to others c) she always complains about the most useless stuff EVER d) she's one of the crazy ones

    So.... jokes on you :/
    Jun 8, 2015
  5. Efezey
    @tonyart101 i actually never got her.... i got friendzoned.. (4 times actually)
    Jun 8, 2015
  6. Collin
    Word of the wise: If you clearly don't have much experience, don't try to give advice as if you do. Literally everything you just said was ugly stereotypes and are by no means how all girls/women are.
    Jun 8, 2015
  7. Efezey
    -Shots Fired-
    Jun 8, 2015