Aaron vs Thunder Fource

Discussion in 'Animations' started by Fource, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Fource

    Fource Creative

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Birmingham, UK
    Hey guys, I'm back with another video I made years ago!
    This was meant to test different ways of animating a fight and used the choreography of a certain episode of Magi. This scene has 3 different perspectives, so I can show off some dynamic animations, but because of how the main scene is set up it's actually a pain to animate in. I'm going to avoid animating in this scene in the future, lol. I love how this animation played out, though!

    As you can see, I have Aaron/Ainn to thank for being my sparring buddy, haha.

    Oh, and if you're interested in the original fight, it's ep 23 of Magi: The Kingdom of Magic, at 18:47
    Ainn and quentin galloway like this.