MMV COLLAB || Ikanaide

Discussion in 'Showcase' started by Faiyzor, Aug 10, 2018.

  1. Faiyzor

    Faiyzor Fai

    Apr 3, 2018
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    It's out~!
    Turn on CC for english subtitles.
    [Ally and Leon are close friends that have mutual feelings for eachother. All of a sudden, Ally tells Leon about her moving away.]

    0:00 - 0:22 | Faiyzor

    PARTS 1-6
    [Leon's Perspective: Ally and Leon hang out, Ally being really excited and happy while Leon is trying to fake a smile, trying to support her dreams. He wants to tell her to stay, but he really can't.]

    0:22 - 0:32 | 1: himawari. / glitchyelly
    0:32 - 0:42 | 2: xRieouo
    0:42 - 0:52 | 3: Pepsi101Loser
    0:52 - 1:02 | 4: Pepsi101Loser
    1:02 - 1:12 | 5: Firerelicx
    1:12 - 1:20 | 6: ixCoffee

    PART 7
    [Leon nervously asks Ally to the festival coming up, Ally accepts happily.]

    1:20 - 1:30 | 7: IAmAUnicornx-x

    PART 8
    [Leon and Ally nervous about the festival.]

    1:30 - 1:40 | 8: glitchyelly

    PART 9-14
    [Ally's perspective: Leon and Ally are having fun at the festival. Or well, trying to. Despite Ally acting overjoyed about pursuing her dreams, she is actually quite sad about leaving Leon. But since this might be their last night together, she is trying her best to make good memories.]

    1:40 - 1:50 | 9: Pepsi101Loser
    1:50 - 2:00 | 10: Kkay
    2:00 - 2:10 | 11: Lemon
    2:10 - 2:20 | 12: glitchyelly
    2:20 - 2:30 | 13: Yue.
    2:30 - 2:40 | 14: C&y

    [Leon decides not to confess his feelings because he doesn't want to stop Ally from going. But he says that they'll always be friends.]
    2:40 - 3:11 | Faiyzor
    Special thanks to:
    glitchyelly (for filling in last minute)
    Kkay (english subtitles)
    #1 Faiyzor, Aug 10, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2018
    Fource, xOryion, Lollie and 5 others like this.