Innocent Bystander
Pants Pocket Lint, Male, 27, from Between active and lurking
I like Smash Mushroom Collab 3, especially when the mushroom said "It's Morbin' Time!" and morbed all over those guys May 27, 2022
- Innocent Bystander was last seen:
- Sep 26, 2022
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- Skype:
- larry.wan7
Click images for spritesheet.
Leliot (Young) - - Tetra | New custom Leliot -Spritesheet status: Technically still unfinished, a good number of poses completed, but many of them are duplicates with slight changes. Quality over quantity I say. I'm too lazy to do much, but if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it well.
Spriting MBR profile. Status: Wiped, and I don't exactly plan to remake it at the moment
I don't contribute much. I'm pretty good at spriting and I can provide insight with comments and criticism, but not much else other than that.
Maybe I'll practice animating and art, too, because to hell with limitations. I say that, but I limit myself a lot in reality...