Play Darkest Dungeon, if you like rogue-like games or Dungeon Crawlers you definitely have to play this master piece
yeah i recommend just saving up and getting a wacom tablet. in case you don't want to wait, there's huion, monoprice and yiynova (they just make cintiq-like tablets with lcd displays embedded). just remember that they're not as good.
I can't get along with someone who can talk to me 24/7 on social media, but when it comes to REAL LIFE, they quiet as fuck. =3=''
<a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> wtf he fucking a anime girl !!!!??
If anyone in mm that plays league of legend NA. PLS add meeeee. ign: kxnice I am stuck at silver 2, i need someone to duo with me. NO BRONZES allow. I main ADC and MID. I am pretty good with Lucian and Ahri
Aldnoah Zero ended.. Tokyo Ghoul ended.. Zankyou no Terror ended..Haikyuu ended...Gekkan-nozaki ended...HxH 2011 ended... I watched liek 1500 animes and nothing to watch ;/, i am still watching sum anime that is contiuning, cant wait for winter season and falls season.
<a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> woohoo i won the internet
I hope you have a death full of agony and torture, aint got time to deal with dis kiddo. Kys. -sorrynotsorry- (: