hi, sorry your prize is taking a while, the last 4 days were kinda busy but Ive started lining the drawing, it will hopefully be done tomorrow
that shit is tedious holy fuck I remember animating our SFC 2v2 with those beautiful ass ice skills then I quit
Hey everyone! I'm back from holidays!!! with that, I'm open for spriting commissions! HMU if you're interested!
Sorry Im Late! Happy birthday Lynus XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJtlRL8ercw& Go to full screen And Type Awesome :L
http://puu.sh/rJ34Q/c463d98c1d.png Looks like surprise birthday buttsex is in your future. Watch out.
happy birthday u skinny fuck looks like you're finally old enough to smash hmu i got a suprise for you at my place midnight don't be late
I'm probably like 2 years late cause time zones but happy birthday my fucking dude. You are an adult so lets hit up the strip clubs, I'm glad u and I still talk after all these years and you still make me laugh like a motherfucker, have a good one you handsome grown man you (fuckhead love you) <3