I have no fucking idea what happened to their arm, was it from the attack or did Sasuke just use his eye to slice both of their arms off?
The fact that I want to do a FW scares me because I know we're going to lose especially on my behalf how2bebasedanimator
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Taking sign ups <a href="http://maplemation.com/forum/topic/27061-kow-kings-of-war/" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://maplemation.com/forum/topic/27061-kow-kings-of-war/</a>
What I am not getting is how someones CnC can offend someone else, I'm not saying I like Apples and Pauls blunt CnC style especially Paul, but honestly without stuff like that we wouldn't get far especially when someones sugar coating our cereal for us. I had to go through blunt CnC in order to get better and I'm trying my hardest to get better due to this type of CnC. There's a strong difference between insulting and helping.
People feel that they are obligated to defend something that they have made, they see someone thinking bad or just even mentioning bad thing on there work, people tend to get a feeling as if they are being assaulted when what they made in their own opinion is great. If mislead people think what they have made are good when some one like Paul will need to put them in there place and tell them that they are shit, i will agree sometimes us critiquers could use some choice language that may seem...
like flaming but, they come from mostly good intentions and its the person reacieving the love's choice to make the decision of taking it negatively or positively. Stubborn people will recieve critique very negatively
Sometimes people don't know the difference between critique and art harassment. I will keep my eyes wider open now, since this seems to be the main topic lately.