Thank you~! It means a lot coming from a veteran animator! Im looking forward to the next episode of SoM too :D
I'm still around! but I've been animating less maple sprites the past year. I have a few small Maple sprite projects that I might do it at some point if I could find enough friends that would collaborate with me :)
Otherwise, I've been more devoted to learning 3D stuff and so far its going slowly heheh.
WHAT YOU KNOW SoM?! LOLDGKLSDGKLHG I'm chuffed. If you need any help with animations, I'd be honored to help XD
Learning 3D is good! I actually just installed Maya a week ago (so I could put it on my resume for job hunting LOL).
Also I added you on Discord, my friend request is being escorted by the most elite Discord samurai. xD
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