Comments on Profile Post by Jaycie

  1. Sekka*
    I commented! Also, I just want to say you rock for posting that! MBRs are one of the most fun parts about being a Maple animator, and it would truly suck if us newer people would be scared out of it! So thank you so much for working towards an improvement in the system!
    Dec 1, 2014
  2. Jaycie
    You are a rock too >:C
    Thanks! I've yet to MBR but I really find it interesting to see.
    You should keep MBRing. You did well challenging Aquila. You're one of the potential newbies and could help the other newbies by MBRing C:
    Dec 1, 2014
  3. Duo Bios
    Duo Bios
    Once I finish killing myself in this MBR against Nero, I'll be going around and challenging some people.
    Dec 1, 2014
  4. Jaycie
    @Joey. I think thought of you when I wrote "experienced animator". You are a rock too.
    Dec 1, 2014