MBR: KingofDerps vs RokasYT

Discussion in 'Archived MBRs' started by Kayas , Jul 21, 2022.


Who Won?

Poll closed Jul 23, 2022.
  1. KingofDerps

  2. RokasYT

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Kayas

    Kayas The Indolent
    Animation Leader

    Dec 2, 2014
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    MBR: KingofDerps vs RokasYT
    Theme: Freestyle
    Deadline: 48 Hours (Finished Early)
    Minimum Length: 10 Seconds
    Voting Ends in 2 Days!



    Animation Team Note:
    For this MBR specifically, vote via the polls on who you want to win but also try to leave a comment on some tips or advice.​
    #1 Kayas , Jul 21, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  2. Shulkle

    Shulkle Remembered as the worst fight animator

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Hey hey another MBR woo~

    This reminds me of the good ol 2016 days. Feeling pretty nostalgic looking at this.

    Anyways, I'll keep in mind that these were made within a day or 2, so let's talk about them. Although, considering how short and barebones it is, there isn't that much to talk about.

    You have gotten way better for a mobile animator since you first started.
    When rewatching the animation, I noticed that you're using Motion Interpolation. It's most noticeable during the walk sequence. I would advise NOT doing that, because the sequences look way smoother than they should, and in some cases, it just looks outright messy, especially for sprite animation. Sometimes the quality of the sprites would just tank, and look way blurrier than it should. I wish there were sound effects, but alas the limitations of Mobile Animations. That's about it, it looks pretty good to me, a little bit stiff, but I think it's fine.

    Not bad, a few things though.
    Go use an alignment line, so that the sprites are more aligned. That "?" was super easy to miss, so using a white fill color would be better than brown to mesh less with the background. That ax is swinging the wrong way, so double-check that next time. I liked the idea of Derps slowly watching backward to dodge, though I missed the counterpunch, adding a hit FX would have been nice there, and possibly a hit SFX as well. The same thing when you started spin slashing, having no Hit FX nor Hit SFX made it fairly awkward. You should also look more into different Sound Packs, like on Hyun's Dojo or Spriters Resource. Change up the whoosh sound FX so that it loops less.
    Overall, for being a new Maple animator, this ain't bad either.

    Looking forward to what you guys make next!
    Abdi_Y , Poke, Kayas and 2 others like this.
  3. Hunter

    Hunter Moderator

    Feb 5, 2010
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    (dam Shulk already going at it while I was trying to beat him with first comment but he said most parts that I wanted to say in this one.)

    Really digging how you did most of the actions between your oc and Rokas'.
    It has the nice style of squash and stretch, making it have that cartoon feel to it. Which makes it enjoyable for me to watch because not a lot of people have those style in maple side of things.
    Also I noticed you didn't expand your character long enough towards the end when the muscle derp (is that their names?) started tweening towards Rokas after he threw the fireball, careful with that!

    Not bad, making good improvement with your skill so far!
    The movement is a bit stiff and flat with the lack of anticipation between each attacks, think of the viewers following what's happening in your animation. You can play around with it and study other examples of Anticipation animations on YouTube to get a feel for it.
    I'd like to see more actions incorporated for this and your future animation but it's a start. :D

    Imma have to go with KingofDerps on this one. Looking forward to see more from both of you. 8)
    Abdi_Y , Poke, Kayas and 1 other person like this.
  4. Kayas

    Kayas The Indolent
    Animation Leader

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Congrats to Abdi for the flawless 17-0 win and Rokas for stepping into the ring. Locking thread now.
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