Wow! This still exists?

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Slugcat, Dec 26, 2022.

  1. Slugcat

    Slugcat Newbie

    Dec 26, 2022
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    Hi there, I used to play Maplestory (my character got removed because of the name purge), and watched Maple spite animations way back when. Such as Maple Kombat. Glad to see that the Maple (sprite) animation community hasn't died while I grew up.
    I rediscovered it because of the Speedrun Collab (hosted by Shulkle) was posted on the Hyun's Dojo channel. I'm quite impressed how far the quality of animation has gotten, quite a feat I say!

    Anyhow, I'm a bit of a archivist these days, any idea if there is a (complete-ish) archive of
    a. Different Maplestory versions
    b. Sprites

    That's all,
    Merry X-mas.