Comments on Profile Post by Beryl

  1. CloudyDaze
    Until you're in college. THEN IT STARTS ALL OVER AGAIN... for 4 years... then you cry...
    Oct 30, 2013
  2. Taki
    That moment when you never even had childhood stuff or anything to remember old times.
    Oct 30, 2013
  3. CCshinobi
    I know how you feel...I cry from the inside a lot when I rewatch my old YouTube videos and remember my best friends who used to help make movies with me...back when I had true friends... and more self-esteem...good times :(
    Oct 30, 2013
  4. LuLA
    Dem feels Taki. I was an accident so my parents never had photos or videos of me except my two older sisters. Hue, and I never got to do anything anyways.
    Oct 30, 2013
  5. Taki
    i have a friend just like you
    Oct 30, 2013
  6. over8000
    i actually happy that i dont live them anymore i used to be a real scumbag and annoying kid, the only good thing was the cartoons and animes i used to watch like pokemon and samurai jack
    Oct 30, 2013