Theme: Freestyle Animation Limit: 30 seconds - At least 6 minutes - Max Mine: Note: Note: I can’t say I enjoyed making this nori am I proud of it because of the problems that I kept running into but I did learn new things like the rigging while I was animating hope you enjoy it too! Jamic: Note: "I did this out of anger"
DAMN YA'LL NIGGAS GOT EACH OTHER Jamic: I just overall think Jamic was good in some areas but not all, such as that shitty art for the punch and when he got TRIGGERED and the scream hurt my ears, theres alot in Jamic's animation but I think there is too much dialogue, some of the camera angles are just kinda ass and don't follow the rule of thirds well.Such as 3:35 and 1:58. Some fighting was good and you had interesting ideas, but just came off as rushed or looking weird, such as the art i mentioned earlier.Lastly the story just got me more invested in the animation and added some depth to the fight. Overall, not bad, pretty good. Rick: You also had some good ideas, but also couldn't execute them well. Though some rigging is good and all, i dont like some of your perspective shots and some of the combat lacked alot of inspiration, though I guess your ending made up for it. Your transitions in this animation don't make any sense, such as 3:17, and completely killed the flow of the animation and seemed unnecessary . Also wtf is this shot at 1:56 both of you struggled with shots like those. But i do like the rigging and the fight better. Overall pretty good. It was hard to vote but I'm gonna have to vote for Rick *AKA* DylanAnimations Good luck to your guys on your future MBRs!
OMG jamic you explode on this animation tha was awesone great job i hope can fight with you someday you got my vote olso i like the final punch scene tha was harcore i like it
Congrats on your win Jamic. I'll update your profile soon. Next time make sure you put your profiles in the original post.